do i feel lonely? or sad? i'm not sure... i don't like myself very much, you know.

⠀legal name⠀⠀tsukishima ryuu
⠀korean name⠀⠀han yeowon
⠀date of birth⠀⠀november 11 1996
⠀zodiac⠀⠀scorpio, year of the rat
⠀place of birth⠀⠀kobe, hyogo, japan
⠀current residence⠀⠀samcheong-dong, seoul, south korea; lives in a hanok
⠀languages⠀⠀japanese, korean, english
⠀orientation / status⠀⠀bisexual, single
⠀religion⠀⠀shintoism (way of gods)
⠀species⠀⠀cursed zodiac spirit (dragon)
⠀occupation⠀⠀manga author for the shonen jump, volleyball player
⠀education⠀⠀bachelor of arts from korea national university of arts
⠀social class⠀⠀upper class, feigns a humble socioeconomic background

⠀height⠀⠀186.4 cm, 6'1.38 (last measured in june of 2020)
⠀weight⠀⠀78.3 kg, 172.8 lbs
⠀build⠀⠀tall, athletic build; gained muscle since graduating university
⠀hair / eye color⠀⠀naturally black hair, eyes shift from dark brown to hazel
⠀complexion⠀⠀tanned skin, rarely gets acne; skin is normal to oily
⠀personal scent⠀⠀clean smells, wears gucci guilty cologne
⠀piercings⠀⠀double lobe piercings on both ears, double helix on right ear
⠀tattoos⠀⠀geometrical shapes in a line with moon phases on his left forearm
⠀style⠀⠀comfortable; likes neutral colors and clothes that are loose

⠀myers-briggs⠀⠀intp, the logician
⠀harry potter house⠀⠀slytherin

⠀enneagram⠀⠀type one, the reformer
⠀health conditions⠀⠀asthma, anxiety and depression (controlled with medication)

⠀likes⠀⠀drawing, art, fire, anime, volleyball, bubble tea, animal crossing, plants, apple products, claw machines with stuffed animals, nighttime, onigiri, fish cakes, bugs (specifically beetles), the beach, daniel caesar, 88rising, zebra pens

⠀dislikes⠀⠀soggy fries, sand, overly sweet things, social media, mint flavored things, anything gaudy, wearing tuxedos, wet socks (from rain), thunderstorms, churches, erasers on the ends of pencils, loud noises, roses, the sun, sundae, chives

⠀mother⠀⠀tsukishima natsumi (1971); estranged; living in the kyoto prefecture, working as a school teacher. her and her husband divorced in 1997 and has not remarried since.
⠀father⠀⠀yoo byeongcheol (1971); estranged; living in tokyo, working as a physical therapist. remarried in 2000, has two sons with his new wife.
⠀(m) grandfather⠀⠀tsukishima kenta (1951); resides in kobe, retired volleyball coach. formerly the coach of the panasonic panthers in osaka, up until 2016.
⠀(m) grandmother⠀⠀kitagawa yoko (1952); resides in kobe, owner and cook of a shabu shabu restaurant called 'shabuya!'


ryuu is zainichi korean, meaning his 'japanese' family has korean descent tracing back to the period of time where japan ruled korea in the 1910's. he is a fourth generation japanese of korean descent. his nationality/ethnicity is similar to yoshihiro akiyama, better known as choo sunghoon, choo sarang's dad on return of superman.

warning: everything in this section is purely fictional. while the names of the royal family are accurate, the details are not factual. it is purely made up for the sole purpose of roleplay. this section is also loosely based off fruits basket, tweaked to my liking.

⠀first reincarnation⠀⠀april 28, 1472 to april 18, 1492; the crown prince of joseon

⠀☾⠀⠀born on april 28, 1474 as yi hyoshin, the crown prince of joseon. eldest son of king seongjeong—who ruled from 1469 to 1494—and queen jeheon. he had two younger brothers, yi yung and yi jin. he had a dependable and mature air to him, which made him suitable to become the next king. jung was always jealous of hyoshin, but never made his disdain noticeable. hyoshin’s nonchalant attitude towards becoming the next ruler of joseon irritated him; why did jung have to be in his brother’s shadow when hyoshin never wanted this in the first place? jung should be king, not his brother. he kept wishing for his demise, yearning for his oldest brother to perish by invaders or unknowingly drink poison. his manifestation almost came true.

⠀☾⠀⠀hyoshin caught typhoid fever at fourteen years old, confined to his bed for months on end. the royal doctor was at his side throughout his journey, with the looming figure of jung in the background. did his malevolent thoughts actually harm his brother? if he kept thinking about hurting hyoshin, would he succumb to his illness and leave jung to be the next king? he later confessed his inner darkness to the youngest yi brother, hoping to be reassured. but jin was terrified, not understand why someone would go to these lengths to be a ruler when they would hurt their own loved ones for the position of power. jung threatened jin’s life, promising that he’d be next in the evil manifestations if he didn’t go along with everything yi jung was planning.

⠀☾⠀⠀jung summoned a shaman to help his familial coup d'etat, not realizing how powerful this person would actually be. the shaman in question, named akito, was the best at his job. his family often traveled from japan to aid in rituals as a request from the royal family. akito found it strange that only the young prince had summoned him for his services. jung detailed his plan to the shaman, alluding to his brother’s eventual “accidental” death. akito refuses at first, but the extra money peaked his interest. he became hyoshin’s personal shaman, promising the king and queen that their son would be rid of evil spirits.

⠀☾⠀⠀akito grew close to hyoshin, admiring his gentle personality and the way he cares for everyone regardless of their class. he notes how kind the young prince was to his helpers, the cook, the other consorts in the palace. never once did he see hyoshin act out of malice—even if the other party lashed out at him. hyoshin was respectful to all, and admired by many. somewhere along the line, akito forgot about the deal he made with yi jung. he didn’t want to kill the prince.

⠀☾⠀⠀hyoshin eventually recovered from his illness, but asked akito to be by his side even in good health. he enjoyed akito’s presence, feeling like he finally found someone who had no hidden intentions. the duo learned combat together, training until sunset, drinking and laughing the night away afterwords. yi jung was infuriated at akito’s new ploy, taking matters in his own hands. the younger snuck poison into the prince’s tea. akito sensed jung’s evil pursuit, smashing the pot out of his hands. he threated jung, vowing to kill him if he interferes with hyoshin’s life again. the deal was no more.

⠀☾⠀⠀the love that akito and hyoshin shared was pure. without any intentions other than being fully immersed with one another. the pair would take nightly walks across the garden, akito being the one to talk off hyoshin’s ear. jung was angry at akito for revoking their deal; this lead to him meddling into his brother’s personal affairs. he mentioned to the king that his brother should have someone’s hand in marriage at his age, to which the king agreed. yi jung scouted the villages to find the prettiest maiden, and found seolhwa, the daughter of the town’s blacksmith.

⠀☾⠀⠀hyoshin had no intentions of leaving his beloved for seolhwa. he wanted to please his father, but remain with his lover in secret, if possible. jung was the first to reveal the news to akito, resulting to akito leaving in rage, disappearing for several days. hyoshin snuck out of the palace to find him at a nearby town, hiding near the temple. hyoshin tried to explain himself, but akito had no intentions of listening to him. he already knew the inevitable truth. and if akito couldn’t have him, neither with seolhwa. or anyone else in their next lives.

⠀☾⠀⠀akito cursed hyoshin with the spirit of the sohma, linking any sohma souls to their zodiac god for eternity. the spirits must not defy their god, otherwise they’ll be punished or even banned from existing. born in the year of the dragon, akito found it most suitable for hyoshin to possess this spirit. akito wanted him to suffer and embarrass himself in front of the royal family. the trickiest part about the curse is that hyoshin was completely unaware of its existence.

⠀☾⠀⠀following their encounter, the prince returned to his palace. his fiancée approached him for a conversation and eventually, she found herself wrapped up around him. then, poof. a three-metre long, piercing blue dragon engulfs the vicinity of the bedroom, leaving seolhwa in utter shock. she ran to the guards who alerted the royal family of the creature’s presence, only to be met with hyoshin, naked on the ground with the same blue hue of clouds surrounding him. the king was outraged at seolhwa’s outburst, immediately removing her from the estate.

⠀☾⠀⠀he thought akito was speaking out of spite, but the curse was real. hyoshin tracked akito down again, confronting him about the curse, his fiancée’s imprisonment, his royal title. he vowed to step down from power if it meant that they would be together. hyoshin admitted that he loved akito, and was willing to take on any consequence that came with it. but akito didn’t believe him, not one bit.

⠀☾⠀⠀akito vowed that hyoshin would never be allowed happiness, despite hyoshin's reassurance that their love was real. akito then left him, returning to japan. hyoshin was devastated by akito's departure and spent his last years writing love letters to his beloved, even though the recipient would never read them. hyoshin died of heartbreak, leaving yi jung to be the crown prince and the next king of joseon.

timeline of reincarnations (1472 to present day)

⠀(1)⠀⠀april 28, 1472 to april 18, 1492; the crown prince of joseon
⠀(2)⠀⠀jan 25, 1652 to sept 12, 1689; hanbok designer of the royal family
⠀(3)⠀⠀august 30, 1760 to june 21, 1799; palace guard of the crown prince
⠀(4)⠀⠀december 6, 1892 to october 19, 1909; korean soldier
⠀(5)⠀⠀march 27, 1916 to feb 23, 1965; professor and author
⠀(6)⠀⠀november 11, 1996; manga author, pro volleyball player

the sohma curse of the zodiac

⠀(1)⠀⠀there are 13 members including the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig and the cat.
⠀(2)⠀⠀the cat of the zodiac possesses the biggest burden of the curse. they are not accepted as official members and will often be exiled.
⠀(3)⠀⠀the members possess special abilities unique to their spirit. cat spirits can land on their feet after a long fall, dragon spirits are strong, monkey spirits are agile, etc.
⠀(4)⠀⠀the cursed will turn into their respective animals when embraced by someone of the opposite sex.
⠀(5)⠀⠀members who are of opposite sex can embrace without turning into their spirit. they are immune to each other.
⠀(6)⠀⠀the god of the zodiac has not reincarnated prior to present day since the late 1800s.
⠀(7)⠀⠀a zodiac banquet is held when all members of the curse are reincarnated in the same time period.
⠀(8)⠀⠀each member of the zodiac must obey the rules of their god in each reincarnation.
⠀(9)⠀⠀ however, the curse can be broken by strong defiance of the god. the curse can also be weakened over time. there are loopholes.
⠀(0)⠀⠀they are all bonded by blood and all connect to each other. each member's reincarnation varies, however, they all end up crossing paths.

⠀☾⠀⠀tsukishime ryuu brought the burden of the curse to his parents. his mother only held him once after his birth, resulting into her precious baby boy turning into a seahorse instead of a full-fledge dragon. it was believed that dragon spirits start off as seahorses in the beginning of time. only certain spirits evolved into their full form.

⠀☾⠀⠀his mother resented him, not understanding why she had to be the bearer of the curse when she lived her life without ill-intent. her dismay resulted into constant bickering between the couple. his grandfather, who was a direct grandchild of hyoshin's fourth reincarnation, tried his best to explain the extent of the curse—and how it might worsen over time. though ryuu was a good child, she still despised him. what was the point of being a mother if you birthed something so hideous?

how could a mother hate her own child that much?

⠀☾⠀⠀and with this reincarnation, each spirit was alive at the same time—including the god, akito. in this lifetime, akito is a woman, a few years older than ryuu. she still favors him out of the spirits, and strives to make his life as miserable as she can.

⠀☾⠀⠀this led to akira (the feminine akito) appearing before his parents, describing the means of erasing ryuu from their minds with the help of deep hypnosis. his father refuses to forget his son, despite his troubling condition. but his mother was more than willing to let her son's memory go. akira threatened ryuu's father, telling him he was not allowed to see his son after the hypnosis is finished. ryuu's father settled the argument with a divorce.

⠀☾⠀⠀his grandparents decide to raise the young boy, willing to carry his burden in order for him to have a loving home. ryuu is under the guise that his biological mother has already passed away, and that natsumi is his aunt. he is not allowed to see her often because it might trigger her memories. his father tries to reach out, but has been blocked by the elderly couple.

⠀☾⠀⠀ryuu was not aware of his curse until he was in elementary school, turning into the small seahorse after a classmate hugs him. this led to the rooster spirit, who coincidentally was a teacher at the school, to hypnotize the entire class, removing that memory from their heads. ryuu is then forced to move schools to prevent any other mishaps.

⠀☾⠀⠀he meets another spirit at his new elementary school, named mochizuki kotaro. he later finds out that takkun (his affectionate nickname for his only friend) embodied the cat spirit. the superficial nature of the curse meant nothing to ryuu, accepting his cat friend without much judgment.

⠀☾⠀⠀the two started playing volleyball together, with takkun being the outside hitter and ryuu as the setter. he quickly found setting to be boring, which led to him playing opposite since his receiving skills were up to par and he liked attacking more than simply setting the ball.

⠀☾⠀⠀his grandfather, a former setter, was disappointed by his choice. their relationship was impacted slightly, greatly depicting a playful yet tsundere grandfather-son dynamic. if you asked his grandpa how he felt about ryuu, he'd say he hates him (he doesn't but it's a running gag in the family).

⠀☾⠀⠀somehow, akira managed to hyperfocused on takkun. she was bewildered that he had no interest in her, leaving her to permanently curse the cat spirit. he was trapped in his cat form, but still had the abilities to talk (like salem from sabrina the teenage witch). he lives with ryuu in the present day, posing as his household cat.

⠀☾⠀⠀ryuu continuously runs into akira in japan, which led to him moving to korea for university. however, she still managed to find out his whereabouts. she supposedly sneaks into his volleyball games to watch him.

⠀☾⠀⠀prior to the start of volleyball season in his final year of university, he suffered a fall that tore his acl and mcl in his right knee. he had knee issues from constantly overexerting himself during practice, and the fall was the last straw. he stepped down as captain in order to recover from his surgery and enter rehab to properly return to volleyball.

⠀☾⠀⠀he used his rest time to learn the basics of drawing manga. it was his new personal release from the stress of sport injuries, and from akira. his current manga depicts his past life as the crown prince (to which he remembers vividly, especially when he dreams) and he discusses the relationship between the prince and the shaman in-depth. he uses the pen name 'yukimura kou' to publish his works. he's a slow updater, which causes stress for his fans (as well as his editor).

⠀☾⠀⠀volleyball statistics (university level)

⠀⠀⠀⠀████⠀⠀game sense

⠀position⠀⠀opposite hitter, captain
⠀height / weight⠀⠀184.2 cm, 72.8 kg
⠀spike / block height⠀⠀310 cm, 290 cm
⠀former teams⠀⠀japan u19 boys
⠀former club⠀⠀kyunghee university
⠀jersey⠀⠀1 (captain of u19), 4 (uni)

⠀☾⠀⠀volleyball statistics (professional level)

⠀⠀⠀⠀█████⠀⠀game sense

⠀position⠀⠀opposite hitter
⠀height / weight⠀⠀186.4 cm, 78.3 kg
⠀spike / block height⠀⠀330 cm, 300 cm
⠀club⠀⠀hyundai capital skywalkers
⠀jersey number⠀⠀11

⠀☾⠀⠀although he is on the skywalkers, ryuu plays for the national japan team and wears jersey number 7. he will be playing his first olympics in tokyo 2020/2021.

⠀☾⠀⠀took a hiatus from volleyball after university due to an acl tear in his right knee; wears a brace during games to prevent injury. goes to physical therapy three times a week to keep his condition healthy.

⠀☾⠀⠀started drawing in middle school to pass time. liked to doodle his friends or teammates and gift them chibi versions of themselves for birthdays.

⠀☾⠀⠀in-season, ryuu lives in cheonan. off-season, he resides in a hanok in samcheong-dong. prefers his hanok because of his kotatsu and uses it when his muscles hurt.

⠀☾⠀⠀although he doesn't really need another job because of his pro-athlete career, he still works closely with an editor at shonen jump to release his own works. however, he uses a pen name for publications. he's known in the manga community as the "faceless" mangaka.

⠀☾⠀⠀his editor, saito yumiko, and the editor-in-chief of shonen jump are the only ones who know his whereabouts and have contact with him. he meets them one-on-one in high security situations.

⠀☾⠀⠀has tried to imitate the skills demonstrated in the 'haikyuu' manga in real-life. pretends he's ushijima when he's alone on the court. their serve styles are very similar (and very impactful.)

⠀☾⠀⠀feels oddly insecure when he wears contact lenses, but has tried his best this year to take off his glasses and sport the fresh-eyed look. he still thinks contacts are drying.

⠀☾⠀⠀has a big love for plants and gifts succulents to his friends when he feels close enough to them. tries to cater the plant towards his friends' personalities.

⠀☾⠀⠀collects shoes and displays them in his closet by color and style.

⠀☾⠀⠀very big on recycling and being eco-friendly.

⠀☾⠀⠀does not know much about social media but likes instagram and updates it when he can. he likes taking photos of others, rather than of himself. has an album of photos of his friends.

⠀☾⠀⠀sings to his plants to help them grow. they love it when he sings along to 'my world 2.0'—specifically 'somebody to love.'

⠀☾⠀⠀the talking cat is truly his best friend. and the cat is smart enough to tap 'voice to text' on ryuu's phone to send miscellaneous tweets and texts to his friends.

⠀☾⠀⠀he always sounds mad when he speaks. he's not really angry. but no one really knows what's going on in his head.

⠀☾⠀⠀calls his teammates at 4am to ask them what the meaning of life is. also to tell them corny ass dad jokes. likes to bother them.

⠀☾⠀⠀because he was captain in his previous years, he takes note of his teammates' conditions and tries his best to take care of them. usually brings them something good to eat and some medicine if they're sick.

⠀☾⠀⠀big on tiktok trends. likes to scroll through his for you page aimlessly and recreate videos.


⠀age⠀⠀over 21

last updated july 17, 2020. best viewed on chrome.

⠀☾⠀⠀this account is solely for entertainment and its contents are purely fictional. i am in no way affiliated with big hit entertainment, bts or kim taehyung.

⠀☾⠀⠀this muse is based off fruits basket, however the curse and reincarnations are unique from the manga/anime depiction. the general premise is the same, with tweaks to fit my liking. if you have any questions about this verse of fruits basket, please dm me!

⠀☾⠀⠀this muse also is based off haikyuu (manga and anime) for his volleyball career. his play style is the most similar to miya osamu's, but has the game sense/technique of kunimi akira and sakusa kiyoomi, respectively.

⠀☾⠀⠀literacy will vary! and i don't necessarily have a preference between script, para, novella, etc. i will match your literacy in dms.

⠀☾⠀⠀i love to plot so don't hesitate to shoot me a message and we can discuss something! i read everyone's carrds/docs so i will make sure to include tidbits that both our muses can develop further.

⠀☾⠀⠀i don't like drama nor do i involve myself in it. keep it away from me please. and please do not mix ic with ooc; i am not my muse and vice versa. if you have an issue with me or ryuu, feel free to sb! i won't be upset.

⠀☾⠀⠀all gifs on this carrd belong to their respective owners (who i can’t find as of now). all rights reserved to the creator of ao haru life.

⠀☾⠀⠀thank you for taking interest in my muse and i hope we get to interact soon! ♡